Our Services
Bansdroni Freedom Welfare Society have started this organization to help people get rid of addiction from drugs and alcohol. At our rehabilitation centre is situated at Bansdroni, Kolkata, West Bengal. We provide our clients a safe and loving ambience with enough freedom which is conducive to effective recovery.
Treatment Facilities
We provide treatment to Drug Addicts using different types of substancesand also to people suffering from alcohol addiction. We always maintain anonymity and the treatment is provided keeping the family in close contact. The center will surely give you a homely and calm environment where you can attend different sessions and activities to pass the time and prepare yourself physically and mentally. Fellow addicts and members will help you to grow a new association who are free from drugs and this can go on for long to help one in the future to stay clean and carry on a normal life. The proces of abstinance fro these substances may carryu on for months dpending on the mental health of the addict. Proper diet, attending several sessions of the awareness program thuis slowly and steadily helps to grow a proper physical and mental status of a suffering addict, and he can easily accept his present sate of mind and situation by interacting with the therapist. When it is so called understood that the person is easily responding to the entire program of awareness and attending sessions and talikng inventory then a date of discharge is arranged by talking to his family and he is asked to attend the aftercare.

We also give special care to psychiatric patients of all ages coming from different classes of the society holding various backgrounds. Our volunteers provide full support for their comfort and wellbeing. Medical attendance along with inhouse care is taken on a daily basis. It can take months for devlopment of mental healh but we keep a close watch on that person with lot of physical support which is given by our attendants and fellow mates within the recovery centre. We keep on striving for betterment and it carries on for long.
Detoxification Service
Detoxification is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living body which is mainly carried out by the liver. It is the preliminary process where the physical withdrawal and pain is treated with proper medicine after the doctors’ advice. Physical stability is the key to mental health and within a brief period both drug addicts and alcoholics get better and start attending daily schedule in the center and participate in various group activities.

But kindly remember that the process of Detoxification can be very painful for some addicts. It completely depends on the physical health and mental frequency of an addict. Irregular food intake and drug or alchohol abuse causes tremendous hazard, physically and mentally. You tend to lose all mental strenght and physical ability by abusing drug and alchohol, for a period of time. So, when a suffering addict is given medical treatment for detoxificatio he might not respond well at the first go. With time in 3 to 4 days from start it actually get into shape. The detoxification process slowly allows one addict to gain his or her physical strength and a regular food habit and other biological activities starts working. A proper medicinal prescription and food chart is necessary in the period of detoxificatio. In a period of 2-3 weeks the addict is put to the actual recovery program after the process of detoxification. Physical recovery leads to attending the actual awareness program. Attending the recovery classes and understanding the program needs proper mental health, because it a program that involves both body and mind. So, the detoxification program may carry for 15-20 days for some addicts but it can lead to a month for some.

Rehabilitation Service
Rehabilitation is a long program which starts after the detoxification process. The rehabilitation program is of a routine which is set by the head counsellor of the recovery center which is mostly common for all who are admitted in the center. Time is set for meditation, inventory classes and one to one counselling for all inmates. Group discussion and interaction classes about asking specific question are always there in the routine. Fun time is also a part of the program which includes different activities like play acting, singing songs, watching television and even attending the gym for physical exercises helps to develop a healthy mind for all. This regular course of activities strengthen you body as well as gives a proper state of mind.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness: This is also practiced in the recovery center that ultimately helps to increase the habit of physical work. This helps in the long run when an addict or an alcoholic gores back to their real life and start living clean. This gives a very positive vibe in the community of family and friends. The accepting level increases for the addict, here and there and ultimately creates a good feeling for everyone. The rehabilitation program is about both physical and mental being of an addict or alcoholic. Of course there is a spiritual part of it once the physical and mental state improves. So in the rehabilitation program the sessions are set in such a manner that these aspects are fulfilled in order. the mannerism of the entire thig is taken care or controlled by senior inmates and counsellors during the sessions and also throughout the tenure of the person inside the recovery center. It also goes in play during the aftercare period and counselling over the phone and physical attendance, personally and also in group.
Orientation Service
To recover from addiction the orientation and awareness about the steps of recovery goes for lifetime.It the utimately tool which helps the addict to stay clean on a daily basis.In addiction treatment goes far beyond abstinence which can lead to a simple and peaceful life for all addicts and people suffering by using alcohol. It is complete lifestyle orientation program that has no boundaries.A self-determined and meaningful life is our goal when we talk about addicts and alcoholics. Although this approach has been implemented in a number of programs with help from different addicts who are clean and leading a free life. We focus on the treatment program for addictive disorders more strongly according to recovery principles like honesty, open mindedness and willingness to do and adopt new habits and association. A daily routine which can followed has to in place which is decided to attend by the addict from time to time depending on his present situation. Accepting certain facts of life helps one to grow on a daily basis. The life of an addict is always tough to handle but following the steps of recovery can slowly and steadily lead to a stage of comfort and ease.
The orientation program gives you the knowledge to accept the limitations of an aadict and show him or her the way to still proceed to normanct. Our counsellors take sessions from time to time and give you the realistic view of the near future connecting to the life of an addicts. These sessions by our counsellors are the key part of the rehabilitation program that help one addict or alcoholic to build a mental status and help them to apply certain principals to create a new life for them in the long run. It is continuous process which start from the recovery centre and goes along with the life of an addict or alcholic for a lifetime. It is said that “Recovery Is a Long Road Worth Travelling.”

After Care
Freedom Welfare Society covers all the aspects of the treatment and finally focus on after care which helps the patients to keep in touch with the counsellors and senior volunteers even after they go home. We also advice the parents to call us time and again when they feel about any kind of abnormality. We keep an open mind with the problem of addiction and thus have designed a program about rehabilitation and recovery on the whole. If the addict is attending the aftercare program then it shows his or her eagerness to stay clean. The counsellors can interact in person for better understanding. During emergency or due to lack of time or busy schedule, this aftercare can be done over the phone but it can also be an excuse avoiding to appear and show the real person. The family members have to be very careful and cannot avoid this situation and should always push the addict to attend this program. Because the initial stage of recovery is very critical and there always a chance for one to relapse and go back to zero, at any given day or moment. We give ample importance to the aftercare program because it allows us to understand the addictive person closely who has just stepped into a clean life.

Family plays a very important role to keep an addict away from drugs and alchohol. Weekly family counselling is also required so that handling of an addict by parents become easy and fruitful. This is also a key part in recovery and we are always there to make you aware about the facts of the real life of an addict or alchoholic. This goes for a long period of time and has no specific timeline. So coming to the drug free community becomes too essential for staying out of drug related problems and attitude disorder. But there is always hope for a better life as there are many people who are already leading a drug and alchohol free life. You can be in touch with us even during odd hours. Our call back numbers are open 24/7.
What Our Patients Say
My husband is doing good. Thank you all.

Mr. Karmakar
Shyambazar, Kolkata
My son is going good.

Mrs. Dutta
Baranagar, Kolkata
I'm lucky that I found you people.

Mr. S. Ganguly
Howrah, West Bengal